Fallen Star Release Date Announcement!

Fallen Star Level 9 gif
We have some suuuuuuuper exciting news to share with you today!
We are finally ready to announce the Fallen Star release date!
What started of as a 6 week project and ended up becoming a 3 month project instead, pretty much doubling its scope, is now finally getting close to the finish line.
Fallen Star will be released on itch.io on… *insert imaginary drumrolls here*
The 14th of February!
That’s right! Valentines day!
This is going to be the first project that Matt and I actually finish and release into the world. We’ve been making games together since before we even became a couple, so we thought this would be a wonderful way to celebrate both of these achievements.
We hope you are looking forward to this as much as we are and that you enjoy playing this little project either on release date, or after release date, should you be involved in romantic couple activities 😉
Until then, I hope you enjoy these screenshots.
Fallen Star Level 6Fallen Star Level 5Fallen Star Level 5Fallen Star Level 4Fallen Star Level 5Fallen Star Level 5
Hope you have a wonderful wonderful week!

Hard Decisions and New Beginnings

Hello, it’s been a while.

If you are subscribed to us on youtube you might have already found out about this, but we have a bit of an announcement to make today:

We have decided to start on a new video game.

“Oh hang on!” you might ask “What happened to MikuRPG?”

Well, MikuRPG is still going to happen, although just not as soon as we were hoping for. The reason for this is that it’s been very hard to cope with both a full-time job and a project of this size lately. It can very quickly become quite discouraging to come home after an exhausting day at work and then immediately start working on a project that is way too big with a way too small timescale. Especially when after 3 hours it feels like hardly any noticeable progress has been made towards the end goal. This had gotten to the point at which we both stopped enjoying game development and decided to take a break for a month (aka October). But even after coming back from this break it just didn’t feel like an enjoyable activity anymore and being stuck in one job we dislike is more than bad enough. The last thing we need is to push ourselves to do two jobs we dislike.

To clarify: We still love MikuRPG. We still want to finish it. But a one month break is just not enough to solve the problems we’ve been having so we’ve decided to focus on something else for now. Which is exciting, right? New game, new opportunity to make something awesome!

The new game, as Matt already mentioned in his video is a platformer which we are hoping to finish in 6 (now probably more like 8) weeks. It’s something very simple, with a minimal amount of artwork and only 10 levels. We are hoping this will not only help build some game making experience for us, but also make us feel like we managed to accomplish something during 2016. As well as, you know, providing you people with a game.

You can watch the video Matt made about this below, including some exciting bits of game play!

Due to me accidentally participating in NaNoWriMo (which I finished on day 25 and am super happy and excited about, by the way), Matt had been working on the project for two weeks before I joined in, so all of the art, except for the very rough design of the character, is just placeholder art he quickly put together for testing purposes. Hopefully by next week I should have lots of time to work on pretty little bits of pixel art.

Oh, I should mention, that character I did was the first time in the past two months I’ve had fun while doing pixel art. I guess the magic of starting a new project is already working.

We are both super excited to share this journey with you and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Also, since it’s Monday I feel like I should say something along the lines of go crazy and make something you’re proud of this week!

Lots of Love,
