On not doing everything yourself

I have always been somewhat of an “impractical” person. Despite my mother telling me this during most of my childhood, I never really thought of it as a thing to work on, a thing to change.

This however, became very clear to me last weekend, which I spent teaching myself how to use the program called Tiled, to generate maps. I’m not sure whether many of you will have read our older blog posts, long before we gave up on working on MikuRPG. We (and by we I really mean just Matt) were working on making our own map editor back then. A map editor incredibly similar to Tiled exept with less functionality, which was directly integrated to the entity editor as well as the game engine. This editor took two attempts and over a year to make (by the time it was ready we had basically lost all motivation to work on the actual game). Learning to use Tiled, which is completely free, took me a weekend.

I suppose just the fact that we are attempting to use a different program means that we are improving, although the mention of using a ready-made game engine still sends provokes an “you’re kidding, right?” from my boyfriend and programmer.

This impracticality doesn’t only happen in the tools we use or make from scratch though. It happens a lot in my pixel art as well. Sometimes I unconciously choose to try to figure out why something isn’t working by just looking at it for long enough, moving pixel upon pixel until it clicks, rather than look up a tutorial or some reference image. While I do use photos as reference, looking at other pixel feels like cheating, like I need to figure it out alone and no one else is allowed to help me.

While this approach is most certainly helpful when it comes to learning and deeply understanding something, I don’t believe that it is always beneficial. I think that indepence is overly glorified in our generation, and I think that it’s okay to look at other people’s work and to use other people’s work (obviously only work that is available for you to use, don’t steal anything!).

If we can do a year’s work in a weekend by using someone else’s tool, it’s exciting to think how much better I could get at pixel art by studying other people’s work instead of trying to figure it all out. While I don’t think this knowledge will become quite as deeply engrained as experimentationally obtained knowledge, I do think I could obtain it so much faster that way.

I don’t know whether this is something other people struggle with as well or whether I’m just being particularly stubborn, but if this sounds like you, I would like to give you the same little 2 cents of advise that I would have liked to give my younger self when she started working on her first game project (or sooner than that): Stop doing everything yourself. Speed of learning and speed of execution are far more valuable than a tiny extra snippet of independence. Don’t be afraid to accept the help of others.

Have a wonderful week,


Obligatory additional game update at the end of the post: We are almost ready to announce our new project, however we both agree that we want to find a name for it before we do so and for some reason we can’t come up with an appropiate name for it. Other than that it’s going really well and we are working on many things I won’t describe in detail until we have a name.

Fallen Star Release Date Announcement!

Fallen Star Level 9 gif
We have some suuuuuuuper exciting news to share with you today!
We are finally ready to announce the Fallen Star release date!
What started of as a 6 week project and ended up becoming a 3 month project instead, pretty much doubling its scope, is now finally getting close to the finish line.
Fallen Star will be released on itch.io on… *insert imaginary drumrolls here*
The 14th of February!
That’s right! Valentines day!
This is going to be the first project that Matt and I actually finish and release into the world. We’ve been making games together since before we even became a couple, so we thought this would be a wonderful way to celebrate both of these achievements.
We hope you are looking forward to this as much as we are and that you enjoy playing this little project either on release date, or after release date, should you be involved in romantic couple activities 😉
Until then, I hope you enjoy these screenshots.
Fallen Star Level 6Fallen Star Level 5Fallen Star Level 5Fallen Star Level 4Fallen Star Level 5Fallen Star Level 5
Hope you have a wonderful wonderful week!

Flowers and Dragons

The past two weeks have been pretty crazy. It’s almost as though the closer we are to finishing Fallen Star, the more motivated we are to spend time on it, so we have very many new things to share with you.
Just last weekend Matt ported the new version of the code to my computer, sharing with this wonderful new level selection menu which will make my life much easier when it comes to polishing up the last few levels.
Fallen Star Level Selection Menu
Not that there is much more level design to do, last weekend I also finished designing the very last level. Now I just need to go through all of them one last time and add little details and decoration bits, as well as set times for the different medals and add text to all the signs, but the hardest part is done. In less professional sounding words: I am spending hours inserting flowers everywhere and it’s the best thing ever.
I’ve already gone through the first two levels doing this and I can say they look much much nicer now.

Fallen Star Level 1 Screenshotfallenstarlevel1-2fallenstarlevel1-3

I’ve also been working on finalizing some logos, both for Dragon Egg Games and Fallen Star itself. I’m really happy with how they’ve turned out but I’m open to any constructive criticism you may have. I don’t really have a lot of experience making logos, so I appreciate any help I can get. Do leave a comment if you can think of anything I could improve. 🙂
Hope you are all having a wonderful week! Keep being wonderful!

Very many levels and a way to pause them

Hello, it’s been a while since the last update. You’ll be pleased to hear that, while we did take a break from social media/youtube/blogging over Christmas (which extended into half of January… oops), we most certainly didn’t stop developing Fallen Star during that time.

I have still been procrastinating all the pixel art I need to do since level design has just been waaaaaaaay to fun. I am currently on level 6, out of the 13 levels we have planned. I am really enjoying the process and I’m super looking forward to letting you play through all of these. Me and Matt are certainly enjoying playtesting them! Until everything is ready though you will just have accept some GIFs instead, hope you like them.

In the meantime, Matt has been working on the pause menu (which I still need to make some UI art for) as well as a new super secret enemy that he is programming as we speak (or as I write at least).
It’s absolutely lovely being back in England. We had some snow recently, although if you live within 200km from any point in England you probably already found out about this when I screamed “SNOW!” in a rather deafening high pitch. I do apologize for that…
Development is slowing down again due to being back at work and even getting up ridiculously early isn’t making up for that. Seeing as this project has already tripled in timescale since it was originally conceived and let’s be honest no one watches our videos anyway, we decided to stop trying to make video updates every week, although you might still get one or two at the end of the project. But I’ll still keep you updated via the much faster and more efficient method of written text. Enjoy!
I hope you have all been having a super amazing and productive January so far and that your resolutions and goals are still driving you forward! You don’t wanna be the person who quits in January, right?
Have a wonderful week and keep being wonderful,

2017 Tidings and Evil Grapes

It’s the second day of the year and I just couldn’t resist adding my voice to the thousands of blog posts promising just how much they are going to do with their life this year.

I had a bit of a crazy start into 2017. In Spain we have a tradition in which we eat twelve grapes during the last few seconds of the year. The New Year will be lucky for you if you succeed. It’s surprisingly difficult to succeed, since you need to eat the grapes following the sound of bells, transmitted all across Spanish television (seriously, they’re on every channel. It’s impossible to watch any other program that night that doesn’t consist of people eating grapes). They also make a big deal out of it, so you end up stressing out and putting way too many grapes into your mouth at the same time.

This year I somehow managed to bite my tongue on the first grape and therefore fell behind very quickly, leaving 4 grapes on my cup after the last bell was over. And so I wound up hugging relatives and dancing around the room while desperately trying not to choke. And shoving even more grapes into my mouth hoping if I eat them quick enough I wouldn’t be cursed in bad luck. Not that I believe in that, but you never know.

I always found it weird that this doesn’t happen outside of Spain, but in retrospective, I can see why you wouldn’t want to do this. Oh well, it’s still fun.


I was ridiculously lucky this year in terms of bullet journaling. After my last weekly pages I had exactly two pages left, perfect for a 2016 review. I still don’t know how I managed to time that so perfectly, but that means I get to start a new bullet journal with the beginning of the year, which I am way too happy about.

I’m using this gorgeous little book that my friend Lara got me for my birthday in May. I’ve been saving it to be my second bullet journal ever since and it’s finally the time to use it.

I’m not going to into detail about my goals, since a lot of them are actually unannounced projects, but other than the general get fit, learn Japanese, read more non-fiction books, improve my art skills, etc, etc, etc, I also have 4 specific projects that I want to start and/or finish during the year.

One of them being Fallen Star. I’ve been designing the first few levels for it lately. We’ve never been so far ahead in a game were I actually get to start doing level design (due to the ridiculous scope of Miku RPG, which we still dream of finishing one day), so this is incredibly exciting.

I’m learning one hell of a lot from it, which is good, since the purpose of Fallen Star was mostly to learn stuff and act as a game making experience for both me and Matt. I’m also discovering that level design is incredibly fun and rewarding to do. So fun I’ve been falling behind on all of the pixel art I’m supposed to be doing… Oops.


I hope that 2017 is going super well for you all so far and that your using the super duper energy and motivation boost to work on your dreams and achieve something great with your life. Or if you’re still hangover I hope you start doing that soon.

So then, I have some goals to work on. See you soon!



Something about tomatoes

Hello there, it’s a beautiful evening on Tuesday evening and I have absolutely no idea what to write about.

I can see the night sky through my window, just next to my gorgeous (or rather messy and overgrown) tomato plant and all I can really think of is how much I want to eat those three cherry tomatoes that are looking at me.

I can’t believe I planted this tomato plant over a year ago back in Guildford and it’s somehow managed to survive being left behind when I was in Spain several times, plus the weather, plus being transported to a new home over the summer. I guess plants are sturdier than you think.

I have no idea where I’m going with this, I want to say something deep like people are also sturdier than you think and you can survive just about anything if you just believe in yourself but really I’m just thinking about tomato plants.

Oh well.

Game development is going super duper well at the minute, although unfortunately for me Matt already summed everything up in this video, so there’s not much left for me to say about it. Other than that I’m enjoying the process, which is always good news. And I’m excited to get back to work at it. And I’m excited to eat those tomatoes.

During the initial recording of this video I mentioned how I had been planning to record the pixelling process and then make short timelapse clips (you know, so the video isn’t 95% Matt’s progress) but then as Matt was editing the video I managed to do a bunch of pixel art and forget to record it again so there you go. Maybe you’ll have some timelapses next week. Chances are you probably won’t get any timelapses next week.

Hope you all have a lovely week and stay super productive and happy!


Hard Decisions and New Beginnings

Hello, it’s been a while.

If you are subscribed to us on youtube you might have already found out about this, but we have a bit of an announcement to make today:

We have decided to start on a new video game.

“Oh hang on!” you might ask “What happened to MikuRPG?”

Well, MikuRPG is still going to happen, although just not as soon as we were hoping for. The reason for this is that it’s been very hard to cope with both a full-time job and a project of this size lately. It can very quickly become quite discouraging to come home after an exhausting day at work and then immediately start working on a project that is way too big with a way too small timescale. Especially when after 3 hours it feels like hardly any noticeable progress has been made towards the end goal. This had gotten to the point at which we both stopped enjoying game development and decided to take a break for a month (aka October). But even after coming back from this break it just didn’t feel like an enjoyable activity anymore and being stuck in one job we dislike is more than bad enough. The last thing we need is to push ourselves to do two jobs we dislike.

To clarify: We still love MikuRPG. We still want to finish it. But a one month break is just not enough to solve the problems we’ve been having so we’ve decided to focus on something else for now. Which is exciting, right? New game, new opportunity to make something awesome!

The new game, as Matt already mentioned in his video is a platformer which we are hoping to finish in 6 (now probably more like 8) weeks. It’s something very simple, with a minimal amount of artwork and only 10 levels. We are hoping this will not only help build some game making experience for us, but also make us feel like we managed to accomplish something during 2016. As well as, you know, providing you people with a game.

You can watch the video Matt made about this below, including some exciting bits of game play!

Due to me accidentally participating in NaNoWriMo (which I finished on day 25 and am super happy and excited about, by the way), Matt had been working on the project for two weeks before I joined in, so all of the art, except for the very rough design of the character, is just placeholder art he quickly put together for testing purposes. Hopefully by next week I should have lots of time to work on pretty little bits of pixel art.

Oh, I should mention, that character I did was the first time in the past two months I’ve had fun while doing pixel art. I guess the magic of starting a new project is already working.

We are both super excited to share this journey with you and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Also, since it’s Monday I feel like I should say something along the lines of go crazy and make something you’re proud of this week!

Lots of Love,


October realizations


It’s been a while.

As some of you may know, I have taken a break from twitter this month. There is no particular reason for this, other than the creeping feeling of worthlessness that had started turning up. I find social media has a way of amplifying my feelings, both the good ones and the bad ones. So the best thing for me to do when I’m feeling sad or overwhelmed is to take a step back and get away from the noise for a little while.

I had initially planned on getting lots of game development done during this month, and then come back with something amazing to show. After all, isolating myself from social media has amazing benefits on productive.

And my productivity has been amazing this month. Although I realized very quickly that I needed a break from Miku RPG as well, which I decided to take in parallel with my social media break, so really I don’t have much to show.

I have been thinking a lot though. About what I want and who I want to be. I’ve been drawing a bunch, trying desperately to keep up to date with inktober, then realizing I should be trying to avoid pressuring myself into doing anything I didn’t feel like doing, so giving up halfway through. I’ve been actually using my gym membership. I’ve been doing a lot of crochet, I’ve been trying to learn some yoga, I’ve had a surprisingly successful attempt at watercolor. Oh, and as though I wasn’t busy enough as it is, I accidentally started learning Japanese. Oops.

And I’ve been thinking a lot. I haven’t been able to figure out very many answers, but I sure as hell have come up with very many questions. Do I want to make games full time or as a hobby? Do I want to become an artist instead? Is 20 too old to teach myself how to draw? Do I want to pick up my childhood dream to become a fiction writer? Do I want to make an electronics company with Matt? Do I want to travel the world as a part time language teacher? Do I just want to be normal and finish uni and get a 9-5 job and attempt not to hate it?

As I said, very many questions, very few answers.

But, I do have some answers at least, and just for this one realization, this month off has been worth it. This, of course, is something I already knew, but now have the full and complete determination that I need to accomplish it:

I do not want to have a 9-5 job. And I do not want to work for someone else.

Nothing out of the ordinary when you say it like that, but let me phrase it slightly differently:

I refuse to accept any other permanent full time job. Ever. I may not know what I want to do with my life quite yet, but I do know that I want to do something meaningful and fulfilling and find a dream, find a passion, grab on to it and follow it and make my life be worth it. I want to live a life filled with joy and passion and I want to be remembered as someone who always gave 110% and never let go of a dream without fulfilling it first.

And I know that I can do it.

What this means is that I now have slightly over half a year of full time engineering work left, and then another year at uni. Before this time is over I need to find some form of income that allows me to get paid for something fulfilling and fun, while simultaneously working full time and/or trying to get an acceptable degree. Easy, right?

Let’s make November a great month!


P.S.: In case you’re interested, these are some of the side projects I’ve been doing this month:


Cute crochet elephant
Cute crochet elephant
Watercolor landscape
Watercolor landscape
Inktober 31witches drawings
Inktober 31witches drawings


Splashing and Slashing

Today has been a rather eventful day. It started on by getting woken by thunder at 3am and then started off a second time by getting up by Taylor Swift at 6am. Both rather fantastic ways to wake up, I have to admit.

After a not particularly eventful gamedev session in the morning we attempted to get to work. Now of course due to the storm last night the underpass on the way to work was completely flooded, which resulted in taking a much longer and more dangerous route, getting slightly disorientated, jumping over a muddy fence and then running across a busy roundabout with rather heavy traffic.

Thank goodness it’s casual Friday and I didn’t ruin my formal clothes. Although I need to say my shoes have seen better days.


I have been working a lot on our logo design this week, which is always a good reminder of how I’m not focusing enough on marketing and how “oh jeez, has it really been a month since the last blog post?”. The good news is that logo design and calligraphy are close enough to each other for me to be able to back up my decision to spent 17 pounds on pens todays. Definitely a business expense. Even if 10 out of the 11 pens I bought will be used for my bullet journal as opposed to making a logo.

Another thing that I’ve been working on lately is walking and fighting animations for Miku.

Matt is still working on implementing them bug-free into the engine, but you can still see them outside of the game. Consider this a super duper sneaky sneak peak before you get the normal sneaky sneak peak when Matt finally decides to write a blog post about the combat system he’s been working on. How sneaky.


And talking about Matt… He has promised he’s porting the engine to ubuntu this weekend so I can start using it! This is so exciting I don’t think you realize how long I’ve been waiting for this!

I won’t get to pixel art very much this weekend I’m afraid cause Matt will be using my laptop but that gives me a chance to work on some design-y and story bits that I’ve been meaning to work on. Perfect excuse to grab a piece of paper and just get on with it.

I’m looking forward to it.

I hope your weekend turns out almost as exciting as mine will be. I would say I hope it turns out even more exciting but that’s not very likely. Have I mentioned I’m excited?

Have a wonderful weekend!


Productivity vs. Creativity

Every evening before I go to sleep, I grab my little bullet journal and write down what I’m going to do the next day. And this is absolutely great. It’s a fantastic tool for increasing my productivity, it’s very useful, especially now exams are drawing closer and closer, and it really helps me get stuff done.

Or at least, most of the time.

I’ve been bullet journalling for almost a month now, and I hadn’t realized this until today, but during this time, I haven’t had any creative ideas.

As a part-time game developer, ideas are incredibly important to me. Those little moments of inspiration, when I suddenly see a new design for a monster or NPC in front of me, a little snippet of story or even some new personality traits for my characters, are very valuable to me. And I tend to get these rather often.

But in the past month, I’ve only had one. Which happened today, making me realize how long it’s been since I last had one of these.

Now I’m not going to go around correlating these two thing and say bullet journalling has destroyed my creativity. That’s not true. In fact exams probably haven’t helped either, and I would like to test this whole planning vs creativity theory out when I’m not being completely stressed out by so many other outside factors in my life.

But I do think there might be a slight correlation here, not necessarily between planning and creativity but between over-planning and creativity.

Because every night when I decide what I’m going to do the next day, I first write down all of my revision goals, and then I write down one or two precise bits of pixel art that need doing. Note how I highlighted the need there. This part is important.

So when I’m ready to pixel art the next day, there are two factor’s affecting me.

The first one is that I’m already completely exhausted from exam revision and not really at my best any more. The second, is that I don’t have to decide on what to pixel art. It’s just there on my notebook, I just need to draw that and then I can go to bed.

And yes, this actually saves me a lot of time. You’d be rather shocked, if you knew how much time I used to spent staring at my massive list of all the things that I’m going to have to draw in between now and the release of the game (which, if you are not aware of how lengthy of a process this is, is going to take at least one more year from now).

But this also means that I don’t spent any time thinking about what I’m going to do. And that time is usually when most of my ideas come in. When I decide what I want to draw just like that, in that moment, I go with whatever the hell I feel like. And sometimes it takes me a very long time to figure out what that is. But sometimes (in fact most of the time) that is because what I feel like drawing isn’t actually on the list. It’s a new idea, a new piece of content to add to the game. And this whole process of generating ideas just doesn’t happen if I start doing what I know needs to be done right away.

Saying that, I still think planning is incredibly useful and bullet journalling is amazing and has really helped me go through all of these exams much better. And I’m not planning to stop using it.

It’s very useful to plan out the things that I need to do. But I can’t plan out my ideas. However, what I can do is leave some extra space, some extra time in my day that I haven’t occupied with all the things that I have to do. And yes, sometimes ideas won’t happen during that time and I’ll spent half an hour staring at my screen to then decide to not draw anything at all today. But I’d rather risk a part of my productivity in return for the possibility of creativity.

Anyway, that ended up sounding a bit more serious than I intended it to. I guess what I’m trying to say here is planning is great, just make sure you don’t plan out every second of your day.

So after all that, you might be curious to see my little idea from today, which by the way, happened because I really really really really couldn’t be bothered working on what I had planned to work on today and spent half an hour deciding what to draw instead.

Here you go:


It was initially meant as a monster but it’s super cute so I might keep it as a friendly companion instead. We’ll see.

So, I’m off to bullet journal for tomorrow then. Have a nice day everyone!
