Something about tomatoes

Hello there, it’s a beautiful evening on Tuesday evening and I have absolutely no idea what to write about.

I can see the night sky through my window, just next to my gorgeous (or rather messy and overgrown) tomato plant and all I can really think of is how much I want to eat those three cherry tomatoes that are looking at me.

I can’t believe I planted this tomato plant over a year ago back in Guildford and it’s somehow managed to survive being left behind when I was in Spain several times, plus the weather, plus being transported to a new home over the summer. I guess plants are sturdier than you think.

I have no idea where I’m going with this, I want to say something deep like people are also sturdier than you think and you can survive just about anything if you just believe in yourself but really I’m just thinking about tomato plants.

Oh well.

Game development is going super duper well at the minute, although unfortunately for me Matt already summed everything up in this video, so there’s not much left for me to say about it. Other than that I’m enjoying the process, which is always good news. And I’m excited to get back to work at it. And I’m excited to eat those tomatoes.

During the initial recording of this video I mentioned how I had been planning to record the pixelling process and then make short timelapse clips (you know, so the video isn’t 95% Matt’s progress) but then as Matt was editing the video I managed to do a bunch of pixel art and forget to record it again so there you go. Maybe you’ll have some timelapses next week. Chances are you probably won’t get any timelapses next week.

Hope you all have a lovely week and stay super productive and happy!


Home-Grown Tomatoes and Pixel-Pigs

8 months ago, I planted a few little tomato seeds into a tiny little pot and hoped for the best. I say pot, really it was some laundry product packaging that I thought looked like the right shape and size.

My plants have had a rough time, I have to say. With the whole not really knowing what I’m doing thing; planting them just before the winter because I don’t want to wait; and spending prolonged periods of time in Spain, sending my plants on long train journeys so Matt can take care of them for me or leaving them behind for the landlord to water if he’s around the area, I’m not surprised I only have two survivors.

And yet, today I’ve been able to enjoy 3 wonderful (although rather small) tomatoes with my dinner, and I have many more waiting to get ripe.

This makes me super happy, seeing as most things I’ve tried planting so far end up dying and by most things I mean everything I’ve planted so far except these two tomato plants.

Considering how I never really stay in one place for too long, I’m not surprised this is the case, but I’m still incredibly happy and proud I managed to do this.

I’d like to say these are the best tomatoes I’ve ever tasted, but I think I might be slightly biased here, since it took me so long to grow them (because I planted them in the completely wrong season).


We are moving house again in less than three weeks, and I’m slightly nervous about it. I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do with my plants. One of them is quite weak at the minute cause it’s gotten way too big, so I’m not sure whether it can survive the move. And after the move, I will be going back to Spain for 3 weeks, and won’t know anyone in my new area to water them for me.

But it’s okay I guess, they’ve already survived for more than I expected them to. I just hope the 17 green tomatoes I have coming up ripen before I have to go back to Spain.

In other news, I’ve been doing some more work on our piggy for Miku RPG today. I’ve fixed some minor things on the front and side views and made a new back view. I’m quite happy with how this is going and I’m looking forward to animating it and setting it loose inside the game.


Have a wonderful day!
