21 Types of Cakes also I’m old tomorrow

So apparently I’m going to be 21 tomorrow.

Despite my rational mind knowing that there’s only a single day in between today’s 20 and tomorrow’s 21, the whispered fears of slowly growing into someone who is supposed to know what to do with her life by now continue to haunt me.

I’m going to be honest with you, for the majority of the day I completely forgot it was my birthday tomorrow. This is the first year in which I haven’t been looking forward to it for weeks, barely being able to wait for cake and presents and being allowed to be the centre of attention.

It’s not that I was dreading my birthday or anything. I simply forgot about it for a very long time. Then I was reminded (thanks Hanna!) and then I forgot again, only to remember hours before the occasion.

In the spirit of cake and aging, I tried to do one of those “30 things I want to do before I’m 30” posts, but I could only think of 3 things for that list and I really don’t feel like another identity crisis right now. Instead, I’m going to conmemorate the occasion with 21 pixel-art pieces of cake, because it’s the first thing that poped into my mind. Enjoy!

  1. Strawberry Cheescake
  2. Fruit Tart
  3. Chocolate cake with vanila icing
  4. Lemon cake
  5. Strawberry and cream cake
  6. Wedding cake
  7. Carrot cake
  8. Layered chocolate and biscuit cake
  9. M&M cake
  10. Brownie with icecream
  11. Blueberry muffin
  12. Angel cake
  13. Obnoxiously large chocolate and cream cake
  14. Marmor cake that vaguely resembles a sine wave
  15. The sort of cake you would eat if you were on a diet
  16. Lemon, kiwi and strawberry cake… Does that exist? I’d eat it…
  17. Chocolate cheese cake
  18. Strawberry muffin that is definetely not the same as the blueberry muffin
  19. Some sort of cake in the shape of a hat
  20. Victoria sponge (apparently this is an english cake? Thanks, Matt!)
  21. Birthday cake. Look I got 4 candles I’m almost a grown up!

Pixel Art Of Cake

I have no idea what I’m doing with my life, but that was fun so that’s all that really matters, right?

Have a wonderful week.


Ramblings and Promises


So I realize it’s been a while since I wrote something here.

It’s been a crazy couple of months since Fallen Star release. We are working on a new project now which I’m still not sure on when we are going to announce but I hope I’ll be able to share more info with you soon.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my life lately. Being in a job that I don’t like sucks, but it’s also great for fueling motivations towards everything else I want to do. The fear of being stuck in this job forever is one of the things that gets me off the couch after dinner every day and onto my computer.

“Go work on your dreams” I tell myself.

“What the hell even are my dreams?” my brain has been replying lately.

The truth is, I’ve spent the past two months trying to figure that out. I go from this state of being full of energy and motivation, ready to do everything I need to do to become the person I want to be, ready to pour my heart and soul onto my work, to a state of not knowing what I want to do with the rest of my life and not even being able to get out of my chair and away from my computer, so just sitting there staring at the work I was so into 5 minutes ago and just being confused as to where my energy went.

This may be just another up on this roller coaster. But I’d like to think it isn’t. I’d like to think this up is here to stay. Because I know that it’s okay to change my mind and it’s okay to want to do something different and it’s okay to question my own passions sometimes. I know I know this. I know I’ve always known this.

But sometimes I forget.

I want to be able to say that this is it, that I’m done with this up and down and that I’m going to stay up and I’m going to always give 100% in everything I do. I want to be able to say this and know that I’m going to keep my word. But I cannot. Not yet. And that’s okay as long as I keep trying.

There’s a lot of things I’ve been trying to figure out but there’s no reason why I should stay silent while I do this. There’s no reason why not knowing what I want to do should mean to just not do anything at all.

There’s a bunch of things that have been helping me get myself out of this state of confusion and constant sleepiness, one of them being my boyfriend Matt, whom I’m afraid I cannot share with you. He’s taken. 😉

Some of the other things, however, I have shared below. If you’re anything like me, I hope they help. But, then again, if you’re anything like me, I know they will.



Harnessing Entrepeneurial Manic Depression – Making The Rollercoaster Work For You

ZackBellGains 3. Especially the section about saying yes to things.

These are just my favourite go-to places for motivation at the moment. I plan on going back to this post and adding anything new that I come across, so keep an eye out!

Also feel free to let me know what gets you out of bed in the comments, I’d love to see/hear all of your favourite snippets of motivation 🙂

For now, I’m going to continue making video games and trying to become the best version of myself that I can be.

I hope you are having a wonderful week and I hope you know that I believe that you can achieve great things today. Go be amazing!



October realizations


It’s been a while.

As some of you may know, I have taken a break from twitter this month. There is no particular reason for this, other than the creeping feeling of worthlessness that had started turning up. I find social media has a way of amplifying my feelings, both the good ones and the bad ones. So the best thing for me to do when I’m feeling sad or overwhelmed is to take a step back and get away from the noise for a little while.

I had initially planned on getting lots of game development done during this month, and then come back with something amazing to show. After all, isolating myself from social media has amazing benefits on productive.

And my productivity has been amazing this month. Although I realized very quickly that I needed a break from Miku RPG as well, which I decided to take in parallel with my social media break, so really I don’t have much to show.

I have been thinking a lot though. About what I want and who I want to be. I’ve been drawing a bunch, trying desperately to keep up to date with inktober, then realizing I should be trying to avoid pressuring myself into doing anything I didn’t feel like doing, so giving up halfway through. I’ve been actually using my gym membership. I’ve been doing a lot of crochet, I’ve been trying to learn some yoga, I’ve had a surprisingly successful attempt at watercolor. Oh, and as though I wasn’t busy enough as it is, I accidentally started learning Japanese. Oops.

And I’ve been thinking a lot. I haven’t been able to figure out very many answers, but I sure as hell have come up with very many questions. Do I want to make games full time or as a hobby? Do I want to become an artist instead? Is 20 too old to teach myself how to draw? Do I want to pick up my childhood dream to become a fiction writer? Do I want to make an electronics company with Matt? Do I want to travel the world as a part time language teacher? Do I just want to be normal and finish uni and get a 9-5 job and attempt not to hate it?

As I said, very many questions, very few answers.

But, I do have some answers at least, and just for this one realization, this month off has been worth it. This, of course, is something I already knew, but now have the full and complete determination that I need to accomplish it:

I do not want to have a 9-5 job. And I do not want to work for someone else.

Nothing out of the ordinary when you say it like that, but let me phrase it slightly differently:

I refuse to accept any other permanent full time job. Ever. I may not know what I want to do with my life quite yet, but I do know that I want to do something meaningful and fulfilling and find a dream, find a passion, grab on to it and follow it and make my life be worth it. I want to live a life filled with joy and passion and I want to be remembered as someone who always gave 110% and never let go of a dream without fulfilling it first.

And I know that I can do it.

What this means is that I now have slightly over half a year of full time engineering work left, and then another year at uni. Before this time is over I need to find some form of income that allows me to get paid for something fulfilling and fun, while simultaneously working full time and/or trying to get an acceptable degree. Easy, right?

Let’s make November a great month!


P.S.: In case you’re interested, these are some of the side projects I’ve been doing this month:


Cute crochet elephant
Cute crochet elephant
Watercolor landscape
Watercolor landscape
Inktober 31witches drawings
Inktober 31witches drawings


Hidden Stories

Today was the first out of our three exams. I initially thought it would be the hardest exam, which it probably was, yet one of the questions was basically primary school algebra with some complicated words around it to make it look difficult. This question was also about Minecraft, which I find very amusing.

I’m not sure how I feel about this exam, but I think it went generally well. Then again, when you are expected to write code on paper without any means to use a compiler to check for errors and debug it, it’s very hard to know.

I decided to take the rest of the day off and work on Miku RPG (despite my next exam being in 1 week). I haven’t really made that much progress, seeing how the exam finished at 2:30 and I had to sort out a couple of household things as well (mainly killing ants, which seems to have stopped being against my morals now that these creatures are trying to invade my kitchen).

There’s a certain feeling that comes with pixel art, a feeling I would define as being rather close to magic. It’s amazing how sometimes something with such a low resolution can look so much better than something with a higher resolution. There’s a feeling of nostalgia behind it, but it’s also due to our own imagination. If we have less detail, our brain seems to have a tendency to fill things in, I have come to realize. And that means that everyone sees pixel art a little bit differently, making every pixellated world feel so much more personal.

But there’s something else to pixel art, that can only be seen by the people creating it (or by the people who look at it very very closely). It’s the factor of story and narrative. With every little pixel piece I draw, my mind has a tendency to wander off to the regions of the pixellated world, where this story can be found. Of course, this feeling is much stronger with some pixel art than with other, and the experience of drawing a bush doesn’t quite compare with the experience of drawing a graveyard.

Saying that, I have been working on a graveyard today. And in the mean time, so much story has happened in my brain, I don’t think I will be able to fit all of it into the game. But that just makes Miku RPG even more personal. I want every pixel to be oozing with story, I want there to be a backstory to every character, every tree, every creature, every stone (okay maybe not every stone). I want to create a wonderful world full of story, and if some of the story manifests itself only in my brain, I think that’s okay. And maybe if this story is happening in my brain, it can happen in the player’s brain too, making it a different experience for everyone. Giving you exactly the story you were dying to hear.


Have a wonderful day.


Creative Blue Balls

A few days a go I was messing around with the Miku RPG engine and noticed that the CPU usage spikes to 95% when zooming out on the map editor. That’s a problem, which I haven’t been able to rectify since. It’s not that I don’t know how to, it’s just I haven’t had any time with my first exam for this semester in 2 days. Saying this, Marta and I have watched 6 episodes of Prison Break back to back today, so maybe my priorities aren’t quite right at the minute.

Actually, you know what, I think they are.

The exam coming up is called “Computers & Programming II”, which I’m sure you would expect to be about programming. Well it isn’t. If it was, working on the game would be considered revision. Rather, it’s a course divided into two subsections. The first section is about storing and sorting various data types, and measuring the efficiency of algorithms implemented to do this. In practise (in my experience), this is basically useless as you can almost guarantee someone else has spent more time, and as a result written better code to do the same job. Personally, I program in C++ 95% of the time, and if you were to look through the header <algorithm.h> (which is part of the C++ standard library) you’d find almost everything they’ve supposedly taught us ready to use straight away.

The best bit is we’re expected to write (not type) pseudo code during the exam – an exercise I believe is essentially pointless. If you’re unaware, pseudo code is the equivalent of a child playing the game “Operation”, where C is a surgeon performing a heart bypass. This annoys me, as I would expect at second year university level we would at least be experimenting with a cadaver. Personally, I believe if you want to write a program, write a program.

The second part of the course is labelled “Microprocessor Design”. What it should actually be called is “Memorise the MIPS Architecture using Inadequate Lecture Material”. They didn’t even properly define what the basic components in a processor are, and the past exam questions just ask for meaningless numerical answers to theoretical CPUs running at arbitrary clock rates. To be fair, I did at least learn about how cache works thanks to a nice chap on a youtube video.

In essence, the exam I have to take shortly has nothing to do with real world software development, or even fundamental CPU design. Fantastic.

The past few days haven’t been that great to be honest. I feel like I should be revising, but the material I need to revise is too vague. In some cases, there is important detail missing that we’re expected to know, with no references or even acknowledgment of that content. This primarily has put my life on hold in many ways. My productivity is through the floor and both myself and Marta have had moments of severe unhappiness as a result.

In saying this, I’ve recently noticed a change in my thought processes. Since I started learning guitar, I have had a very annoying habit. I have a tendency to subconsciously tap or play songs with my hands on hard surfaces as if I were actually playing an instrument, which is usually a piano. If I don’t know the chords, I make them up as I go along in the right key (probably).

As the exam nears, the urge to play music has become stronger and the times I find myself “playing” has increased a lot. I don’t know how Marta puts up with it to be honest. If it happens when I’m actually listening to music, the tapping is much louder yet she remains as lovely as ever. She’s so great.

I feel very musically creative at the moment, and I have lots of ideas I would like to try out. Unfortunately, I don’t have any access to a piano at the minute, but I do have a acoustic guitar nearby. Playing this would be even louder than the tapping though, so for now I’m restraining myself. I call this condition “Creative Blue Balls”, and the only cure that I know of is to let all of the music in my head out through my fingers.

As for the exam … well I guess preparation can only take you so far. I’ll just have to have a bit of faith.


Home-Grown Tomatoes and Pixel-Pigs

8 months ago, I planted a few little tomato seeds into a tiny little pot and hoped for the best. I say pot, really it was some laundry product packaging that I thought looked like the right shape and size.

My plants have had a rough time, I have to say. With the whole not really knowing what I’m doing thing; planting them just before the winter because I don’t want to wait; and spending prolonged periods of time in Spain, sending my plants on long train journeys so Matt can take care of them for me or leaving them behind for the landlord to water if he’s around the area, I’m not surprised I only have two survivors.

And yet, today I’ve been able to enjoy 3 wonderful (although rather small) tomatoes with my dinner, and I have many more waiting to get ripe.

This makes me super happy, seeing as most things I’ve tried planting so far end up dying and by most things I mean everything I’ve planted so far except these two tomato plants.

Considering how I never really stay in one place for too long, I’m not surprised this is the case, but I’m still incredibly happy and proud I managed to do this.

I’d like to say these are the best tomatoes I’ve ever tasted, but I think I might be slightly biased here, since it took me so long to grow them (because I planted them in the completely wrong season).


We are moving house again in less than three weeks, and I’m slightly nervous about it. I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do with my plants. One of them is quite weak at the minute cause it’s gotten way too big, so I’m not sure whether it can survive the move. And after the move, I will be going back to Spain for 3 weeks, and won’t know anyone in my new area to water them for me.

But it’s okay I guess, they’ve already survived for more than I expected them to. I just hope the 17 green tomatoes I have coming up ripen before I have to go back to Spain.

In other news, I’ve been doing some more work on our piggy for Miku RPG today. I’ve fixed some minor things on the front and side views and made a new back view. I’m quite happy with how this is going and I’m looking forward to animating it and setting it loose inside the game.


Have a wonderful day!


Ho ho ho and a bottle of pixel art!

It hasn’t been a particularly eventful day today, although after the ants war from the last couple of days this is a rather positive thing. I am happy to be able to tell you that we have defeated the ants. Or so we think. There were 3 of them walking around our kitchen this morning, but after sealing the hole with even more parcel tape we haven’t had any more encounters. We also don’t have a usable bin yet. We are currently using plastic bags tied to a chair, to make it harder for ants to reach. Just in case.

Exams are slowly approaching, and by slowly I mean we have 4 more days for the first one. I was a little stressed yesterday and tried going through some notes, but then I bumped into a whole topic (out of 6 for this part of the module) about how to test and debug code, which basically just repeated the sentence “Think carefully” on every slide and another whole topic about data types. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that this half of the exam isn’t going to be particularly difficult. And as for the other half, that one will be difficult but I’ve been revising that bit for the past month, so I’m not too scared.

It still feels like I’m supposed to be revising, so I’m looking forward to the time in which I can finish all of this and finally work on Miku RPG full-time! For like 3 weeks before I start my uni placement…


Seeing as exams are so close and I should be revising instead of making a video game I have of course been making a video game anyway and worked on some more characters for the pirate-ship quest/story part. I’ve made 4 new ones of these for your viewing pleasure. Here you go:


Matt said this posts ends a bit too quickly and I should talk about what I’m going to do tomorrow before I leave. I’m going to be honest, I have no idea what I’m going to do tomorrow. Maybe some more pirates. I’m aiming to have 12 of these to populate the ship. Or maybe I’ll work on some animal-animations. Or I could keep working on that witch house now I’ve had a bit of a break from it. Or I could start working on something new. I guess if I told you you wouldn’t be as excited to read the blog post tomorrow so it’s probably a good thing I haven’t decided yet.

Have a wonderful evening!


Morning Sex

Yesterday I woke up to the sound of Marta screaming “Matt! Matt! Come quick!”. Unfortunately, this wasn’t morning sex. Rather, she wanted me to come downstairs and observe a trail of ants invading our food waste bin. Being in just my pants, I decided that the best course of action would be to ignore them and help make myself breakfast in bed.

Compared with yesterday, today started much better. For once I woke up earlier than Marta at 6:40am, which I was initially pleased about until I moved my legs. Shoots of pain emanated from my abdomen. I’ve concluded that the main cause of this was in fact trapped wind, with complications of moderate hunger. To be honest even now my stomach is a bit sore, but nothing compared with this morning.

As a result of my fermenting digestive tract, Marta volunteered to make breakfast again when she woke up at 8. However, when she came back into the bedroom to find me on my laptop she was less than pleased. Luckily, an episode of Sips playing Prison Architect cheered her up again along with back to back episodes of VGHS.

Due to repeated episodes of bad quality sleep in recent weeks, my head has felt like an elephant is sitting on it for the past couple of days which has made me somewhat less than productive today. To clear my head and treat Marta to a rare social outing, we went for lunch at Weatherspoons. After scrutinising the menu for 45 minutes, we decided to order what we normally have – beef burger and chips (well, I actually had one and a half serving because Marta couldn’t handle it, but it’s fine because I paid for them).

The day since then has been a bit of a blur to be honest. Right now Marta is cleaning the kitchen and generally being a really lovely person considering how pathetic I’m being. I think I’m now going to go back on Youtube and watch videos about 1960s audio recording. Hopefully tonight I’ll sleep better.


p.s. Quote of the day:

Me: “Marta, if our relationship was a car, what sort of car do you think it would be?”

Marta: “Hmmm, well I don’t know much about cars but I’m certain it would be an orange one”